31 January 2012

24-hour nursing 'patrol' for Elderly launched

The government said Wednesday it will launch a 24-hour "patrol" service to help the elderly become more self-reliant by facilitating in-home nursing care. The service, to get under way with the April 1 start of the new fiscal year, will be covered by public nursing care insurance. Such brief help for the elderly, for example lasting five to 10 minutes at a time, until now has not been covered by the insurance program.

The government also aims to curb the ballooning costs of nursing care by allocating extra funds to welfare facilities that discharge residents to receive services at home and to caregivers who offer rehab services to prevent ailments from getting worse. Services at nursing homes are more costly than those provided at home. With the launch of the service, elderly people will be able to receive unlimited medical and nursing services at any time, even late at night, as well as help with cooking meals and going to the toilet, at a monthly cost of up to ¥30,000.

The government also decided to raise the total fee for nursing care services by 1.2 percent to increase wages for caregivers, the first such amendment since fiscal 2009. The fees paid by the government to nursing care providers under the public insurance system are revised every three years.

1.      Self-reliant (adj.) - confident in your own abilities and able to do things for yourselfnot needing help from other people.
Example: Our aim is to teach our son to become an independent, self-reliant adult.
2.      Curb (verb) - to control or limit something in order to prevent it from having a harmful effect:
Example: The Government should act to curb tax evasion.
3.      Ballooning (verb) - to suddenly become larger in amount [= explode]:
Example: The company's debt has ballooned in the past year.
4.      Launch (verb) - to start something, usually something big or important:
Example: The organization has launched a campaign to raise $150,000.
5.      Amendment (noun) - a small change, improvement, or addition that is made to a law or document, or the process of doing this.
Example: I've made a few last-minute amendments to the article.

1.      How should proper care be given to elderly?
2.      Share something about elderly people in your country.