31 January 2012

Can Divorce Make You Sick?

Beyond the gossip of Demi Moore's hospitalization, just two months after announcing her split from husband Ashton Kutcher, is the glaring reminder: divorce can make you sick. "Because of the stresses in her life right now, Demi has chosen to seek professional assistance to treat her exhaustion and improve her overall health," said Moore's rep in a statement earlier this week.  Flurries of unconfirmed reports suggest her "exhaustion" is code for substance abuse and malnourishment. Eating disorders, a late-night 911 calls, a seizure, a nitrous oxide binge, are the whispers around the web. 

One 2006 study found that middle-aged women, in particular, are at a greater risk of cardiovascular disease than married women of the same age. Cancer and mobility issues have also been linked to the after-effects of a long-term romantic separation. But in the initial days and months after a divorce, the mental health risks are most threatening.  A painful split is also grounds for a relapse of bad habits. Eating disorders, long-under control, may resurface in times of stress. Most notable, substance abuse is found in higher rates for women during a divorce than men, according to a WHO World Mental Health study. 

1.      Split (verb) end relationship  , they end a marriage or relationship with each other
Example:  The band split two years ago.
2.      Glaring (adj.) - very bad and very noticeable [= obvious]
Example:  a glaring example of political corruption
3.      Exhaustion (noun) – extreme tiredness
Example: He collapsed with exhaustion.
4.      Flurries (noun) - a brief period of excitement or activity
Example: The incident could create a flurry of interest in safety issues.
5.      Seizure (noun) - a sudden condition in which someone cannot control the movements of their body, which continues for a short time 
Example: He had an epileptic seizure
6.      Threatening (adj.) ­- to be something that is likely to cause harm to (someone or something)
Example: a threatening comment
7.      Relapse (noun) - when someone becomes ill again after having seemed to improve:
Example: She had a relapse and died soon after.
8.      Notable(adj.) - important, interesting, excellent, or unusual enough to be noticed or mentioned
Example: A notable feature of the church is its unusual bell tower.

1.      What makes a happy marriage?
2.      What are some reasons why people get divorced?
3.      What do you think about the people to get divorced?
4.      What are some dating and marriage customs in your country?
5.      Talk about divorced in your country.