31 January 2012

Blood Pressure 'should be measured in both arms'

Measuring blood pressure in both arms should be routine because the difference between left and right arm could indicate underlying health problems, says a study review. The Lancet research found that a large difference could mean an increased risk of vascular disease and death. But a heart charity said it was too early to judge the findings.

Although existing guidelines state that blood pressure should be measured in both arms, it is not often done. The arm with the higher pressure can vary between individuals, but it is the difference between arms that counts, the study suggests.

Dr Christopher Clark and colleagues, from the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Exeter, reviewed 28 previous study papers looking at this area. Most people in the study had an elevated blood pressure risk and about one-third had a normal level of risk. The study concluded that a difference in systolic blood pressure of 10 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg) between arms could identify patients at high risk of asymptomatic peripheral vascular disease. A difference of 15mg Hg would also indicate an increased risk of cerebra-vascular disease, a 70% increased risk of cardiovascular mortality and 60% increased risk of death from all causes, the authors said.

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is the narrowing and hardening of the arteries that supply blood to the legs and feet. There are often no symptoms. The UK vascular check programme for over-40s which includes a test for hypertension, advises that blood pressure measurements be taken in both arms. "But surveys have shown that the average GP doesn't do it," said Dr Clark.

1.      Routine (adj.) - happening as a normal part of a job or process
Example: You mustn't worry. These are just routine enquiries.
2.      Vascular (adj.) - relating to the tubes through which liquids flow in the bodies of animals or in plants
Example: vascular diseases
3.      Elevated (adj.) -   higher than normal
Example: elevated blood sugar levels
4.      blood pressure (noun) - the force with which blood moves through a person's body 
Example: These drugs help lower blood pressure
5.      Asymptomatic(adj.)  - having or showing no symptoms of disease 
Example:  You should continue to take the medication, even when you are asymptomatic.

1.      What is your blood pressure?
2.      How do they take blood pressure in your country?
3.      What is the normal blood pressure?
4.      Tell us how to maintain a normal blood pressure.
5.      Discuss the effect of low/high blood pressure