02 February 2012

Tech companies team up to combat email scams

NEW YORK— Google, Facebook and other big tech companies are jointly designing a system for combating email scams known as phishing. Such scams try to trick people into giving away passwords and other personal information by sending emails that look as if they come from a legitimate bank, retailer or other business. When Bank of America customers see emails that appear to come from the bank, they might click on a link that takes them to a fake site mimicking the real Bank of America’s. There, they might enter personal details, which scam artists can capture and use for fraud.

To combat that, 15 major technology and financial companies have formed an organization to design a system for authenticating emails from legitimate senders and weeding out fakes. The new system is called DMARC — short for Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance.  DMARC builds upon existing techniques used to combat spam. Those techniques are designed to verify that an email actually came from the sender in question.

According to Google, about 15 percent of non-spam messages in Gmail come from domains that are protected by DMARC. This means Gmail users “don’t need to worry about spoofed messages from these senders,” Adam Dawes, a product manager at Google, said in a blog post. Google uses it already, both in its email sender and email provider capacities. The heft of the companies that have already signed on to the project certainly helps, and its founders are hoping it will be more broadly adopted to become an industry standard.

The group’s founders are email providers Microsoft Corp., Yahoo Inc., AOL Inc. and Google Inc.; financial service providers Bank of America Corp., Fidelity Investments and eBay Inc.’s PayPal; online service companies Facebook, LinkedIn Corp. and American Greetings Corp. and security companies Agari, Cloudmark, eCert, Return Path and the Trusted Domain Project.

1.      Combating (v) - to try to stop something bad from happening or getting worse - used especially in news reports. EXAMPLE: I have to combat this constant desire to eat chocolate.
2.      Scam (n) - a clever but dishonest way to get money. EXAMPLE: He got involved in a credit card scam.
3.      Phishing (v) - an attempt to trick someone who has an internet bank account into giving information that would allow someone else to take money out of the account
4.      Legitimate (adj.) - allowed by law. EXAMPLE: Their business operations are perfectly legitimate.
5.      Mimicking (v) ­- to copy the way in which a particular person usually speaks and moves, usually in order to make people laugh. EXAMPLE: She was mimicking the various people in our office.
6.      Fraud (n) - the crime of getting money by deceiving people. EXAMPLE: credit card fraud
7.      Authenticating (v) - to prove that something is real, true, or what people say it is
8.      Spam (n) - email messages that a computer user has not asked for and does not want to read, for example from someone who is advertising something:
9.      Spoofed (v) - to try to make someone believe in something that is not true, as a joke
10.  Heft (n) - significance or importance.

1.      How often do you use emails?
2.      Discuss about phishing.
3.      How should tech companies handle personal information?
4.      Give other example of fraud or scam in your community.
5.      What should be the punishment for this internet scam?