06 February 2012

Employment up, but so is underemployment

MANILA, Philippines—The good news is that more Filipinos had jobs in 2011 than in 2010 and the unemployment rate fell slightly to 7 percent from 7.3, the National Statistics Office (NSO) said in a report released Thursday. The bad news, however, is that there were more workers in search of a second job or longer hours to earn more, as the underemployment rate grew from 18.8 percent in 2011 to 19.3 percent in 2011.

Underemployed workers are employed persons who express the desire for longer hours in their current work or to find an additional job, or a new job with longer working hours. Of the total underemployed, 59 percent were reported as visibly underemployed or working less than 40 hours during the reference week. Those working 40 hours or more accounted for 39.4 percent of the total underemployed.

Among those employed, more than half (52.2 percent) were engaged in the services sector; about one-third (33 percent) were in agriculture; and one in every seven (14.9 percent) was in the industry sector. Among those employed in the services sector, the largest group consisted of workers in the wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods, making up 20 percent of the total employed population.

Among the various occupation groups, laborers and unskilled workers comprised the largest group (32.6 percent). This was followed by farmers, forestry workers and fishermen (15.4 percent); officials of the government and special interest organizations, corporate executives, managers, managing proprietors and supervisors (14 percent) and service workers and shop and market sales workers (11.1 percent). The rest of the occupation groups each comprised less than 10 percent, ranging from 0.4 to 7.4 percent.

The majority of the employed persons were wage and salary workers (55.2 percent). Most of them worked in private establishments (41.5 percent of the total employed). About 30 percent of the employed persons were self-employed workers without any paid employee while almost four percent were employers in their own family-operated business or farm. Nearly 12 percent worked without pay in their own family-operated farm or business.

1.      Unemployment (n) – state of being unemployed (jobless, out of work)
2.      Underemployment (n) - the condition in which people in a labor force are employed at less than full-time or regular jobs or at jobs inadequate with respect to their training or economic needs.
3.      Accounted (v) – counted, rated, totalled
4.      Engaged (v) - done or to became involved in an activity; employed
5.      Comprise (v) - to consist of particular parts, groups etc:
6.      Majority (n) - most of the people or things in a group 

1.      What is the rate of unemployment in your country?
2.      Is it easy for people in your country to find a job recently?
3.      How many hours / week do you work? (regular/overtime)
4.      Talk about part time job / full time job.
5.      Do you like to change your job? Why?