06 February 2012

Foreigners' poor test grades force rethink on nurse tests

Non-Japanese applicants hoping to become certified nurses could see the government's notoriously rigorous exams get easier with the inclusion of English-language tests and a new set of communication exams based on basic Japanese.

Non-Japanese hoping to become care workers took the certification test for the first time Sunday, while those aspiring to become certified nurses have been applying for the exam since fiscal 2008. But the low pass rate is prompting the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry to consider changing the system. "We've had discussions with experts on the topic since last month," an official in charge of the issue at the health ministry told The Japan Times on Monday.

According to ministry statistics, none of the 82 Indonesian applicants passed the nurse test in 2009 and just two of the 195 candidates passed in 2010. In 2011, only 15 of the 285 Indonesian candidates made the grade.
Those from the Philippines are also struggling, with only two passing since 2009.

The government has tried easing the language burden on non-Japanese candidates by listing pronunciations next to difficult kanji. But the health ministry panel is pondering other ways, including allowing non-Japanese applicants to take the test in English or Indonesian. The new communication exams, similar to the Japanese language proficiency test administered by the Japan Foundation, are also being explored as a way to ensure non-Japanese nurses can adapt to the new working environment in Japan.

Candidate nurses who come to Japan must have at least two years of professional experience in their home countries and "hold fine expertise as nurses," said Sachie Shirai, a spokeswoman at Bima Cooperation for Overseas Nurses and Care Workers. "The only thing they lack is Japanese proficiency — not technical knowledge," she added in explaining her support for a new testing system.

Japan started accepting nurse and caregiver candidates from the Philippines and Indonesia after the countries reached individual economic partnership agreements with Japan.

1.      Aspiring (adj.) - hoping to be successful in a particular job, activity, or way of life
2.      Prompting (v) - making someone decide to do something
3.      Struggling (v) - to try extremely hard to achieve something, even though it is very difficult
4.      Easing (v) - making a process, happen more easily
5.      Ponder (v) - to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem, a difficult question, or something that has happened [= consider]
6.      Administered (v) - to manage the work or money of a company or organization

1.     Do you think Japanese language is difficult? How?
2.     Share some tips on how to study Japanese kanji?
3.     Discuss about language barrier.
4.     Do you agree that certification exam for non-Japanese nurses should be given in English? Why?
5.     Talk about economic partnership agreement.