02 February 2012

The world's economy is "deeply into the danger zone"

The IMF predicts the global economy will grow by 3.25% in 2012, down from an earlier forecast of 4%. But the eurozone is set for a "mild recession" in 2012, with GDP expected to shrink by 0.5%, compared with a previous forecast of 1.1% growth. Shadow chancellor Ed Balls called for the government to rethink its austerity plan in the light of the IMF estimates.

"Last year the IMF was clear that if growth undershot expectations then the British government should reconsider the pace of spending cuts and tax rises which choked off our recovery well before the recent eurozone crisis, pushed up unemployment and has seen borrowing forecasts soar," said Mr Balls.

"Now the IMF has slashed their growth forecasts and confirmed that growth in Britain will indeed be much lower than they expected. And they have called on countries with low interest rates, like the UK, to reconsider the speed of their spending cuts and tax rises."

In response, the government said the IMF predictions matched those made by the independent Office of Budgetary Responsibility, which informs government economic policy.

"The IMF has downgraded its growth forecasts for all the major economies, reflecting the deterioration in the global outlook since their last forecasts in September," said a Treasury spokesperson.

1.       Global (adj.) - affecting or including the whole world [ universal]: Ex: global climate change
2.       Forecast (n) ­- a description of what is likely to happen in the future, based on the information that you have now [ prediction]: Ex: weather forecast
3.       Recession (n)  - a difficult time when there is less trade, business activity etc in a country than usual: Ex: recession in early 1980s.
4.       Shrink (v) - to become or to make something smaller in amount, size, or value. Ex: We want to expand the business, not shrink it.
5.       Chancellor(v) - the leader of the government or the main government minister of some countries:
6.       Austerity (n) -bad economic conditions in which people do not have much money to spend. Ex: a time of great austerity after the war
7.       Downgraded (v)  - to make something seem less important or valuable than it is:
8.       Deterioration (n) -  a bad or worse situation:
9.       Outlook (n) - what is expected to happen in the future

1.       What can you say about global economy today?
2.       What do you think should be done to prevent recession?
3.       Discuss about the importance of saving money.
4.       What are the effects of global recession to your country?
5.       Is it easier to get a job now than before? Why?