15 February 2012

Japanese vending machines to offer free Wi-Fi

New high-tech vending machines offering free Wi-Fi hot spots in addition to selling soft drinks are to be installed across Japan.

Asahi Soft Drinks is setting up 1,000 new vending machines in five regions around Japan this month, with a goal of expanding the number to 10,000 within five years. The vending machines are fitted with technology enabling Smartphone users who are standing within a 50m radius to enjoy free access to the internet. Users will not need passwords or payment to access the Wi-Fi and will be able to enjoy uninterrupted internet access for 30 minutes sessions at a time.

Japan is home to the world's highest concentration of vending machines, with as many as one for every 24 people across the country, according to the Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers' Association. The nation's vending machines, which mostly sell hot and cold drinks, are not only plentiful but also high-tech, with a growing number boasting the latest technology. The new Wi-Fi vending machines are the latest in a growing selection of innovative models which are appearing on street corners and railway platforms across the country.

Tokyo is already home to a number of touch screen vending machines which use facial recognition technology to anticipate the needs of the customer. The technology fitted into the machines enable it to identify the gender and age bracket of the consumer, before recommending an appropriate drink from its available selection.

Meanwhile, Ito En, the Japanese tea company, is also planning to introduce eco-friendly vending machines this month, installing around 200 devices which consume 30 per cent less electricity than conventional power-saving models, according to the Nikkei.

1.      Uninterrupted (adj.) - continuous
2.      Concentration (n) - a large number 
3.      Innovative (adj.) - way of doing something is new, different, and better than those that existed before
4.      Anticipate (v) - to expect that something will happen and be ready for it
5.      Conventional (adj.) - a conventional method, product, practice etc has been used for a long time and is considered the usual type

1.      Discuss about vending machines in your country.
2.      How often do you use it? What do you buy?
3.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of vending machines?
4.      Do you think vending machine with Wi-Fi hot spots is a good idea? Why?
5.      If you were to make your own vending machine, what would it be?