07 March 2012

The Weekend Xbox Japan Conquered Akihabara

On a chilly afternoon this past weekend, well over 100 people waited in line in Akihabara to see Microsoft’s “Xbox 360 Kansyasai in Akiba” (Xbox 360 Festival of Thanks in Akihabara). The event was a joint effort between Microsoft and Capcom, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Japanese release of the original Xbox (February 22nd, 2002), and to promote some of the upcoming titles to the Xbox 360.

Aside from game demo machines, the event included a raffle, on-stage interviews, and demonstrations for Dragon’s DogmaCrimson DragonDiabolical PitchBiohazard Operation Raccoon City and Steel Battalion.

The Xbox has never been the top selling hot-item in Japan, but devoted Xbox fans as well as Capcom lovers arrived in droves to show their support, get the latest news, and wait in line (over 2 hours for some) for a chance at some comfort time with the upcoming titles. The event lasted from 1 PM to 7 PM with, at times, nearly 200 people packed in the 500sqm event hall; a huge turnout considering the Xbox’s weak hold in Japan. Despite the somewhat cool weather (around 46 degrees), staff and viewers were enthusiastic and the event seemed a success for Microsoft.

1.       Chilly (adj.) - chilly weather or places are cold enough to make you feel uncomfortable
2.       Joint (adj.) - a business activity begun by two or more people or companies working together
3.       Release (v) - to let news or official information be known and printed
4.       Devoted (adj.) - strongly supporting someone or something because you admire or enjoy them
5.       Droves (n) - crowds of people
6.       Turnout (n - the number of people who go to a party, meeting, or other organized event
7.       Enthusiastic (adj.) - feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something

1.       Do you play video games? How often?
2.       How much time should people play video games?
3.       What is Xbox?
4.       Discuss about video game makers in your country.
5.       Share your favourite games.