08 March 2012


                The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.

·         Tell me about any hobbies you have now or had in the past.
·         Do you feel you have enough free time for hobbies? Why? Why not?
·         How important is it for people to have hobbies at different ages?
·         If you had the chance to take up a new hobby, what would it be? Why?

                You will have to talk about a topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make noted to help you if you wish.

Describe a famous entertainer you like or admire:
You should say:
Who the person is
What kind of entertainer they are
Why you like this form of entertainment
And explain why you like or admire them


Entertainment in your country

·         What would you say is the most popular form of entertainment in your country? Why?
·         Do you think people have lost the ability to entertain themselves?
·         Could you speculate on how you think entertainment might change in the future?

The cost of entertainment

·         Do you think entertainers such as football or film stars are paid too much for what they do?
If so, which jobs do you think should be better paid?
·         Would you agree with the opinion that we pay too much to be entertained nowadays?
·         Do you think that the arts, for example theatre and opera, should be subsidised by the government?