27 April 2012

Fortunetelling addiction spreads among the insecure

Chiyoko Osaki married a man after a fortuneteller said he was a good match. The marriage soon fell apart.
She initially turned to her parents and friends for advice on building a solid future and career, but she soon found herself returning to the soothsayer.
Although counselling is available from both public and private organizations, many people in these unpredictable economic times are looking to divination for solutions to their problems, as well as specific advice for marriage, work and future plans.
As could be expected, the number of problems concerning fortunetelling has also risen
Many people become addicted to fortunetelling because they have been exposed to it through TV shows and magazines since they were very young, said Hiroshi Watanabe, a lawyer. He has handled cases involving fortunetelling and fraudulent sales of goods or services claimed to bring supernatural benefits to the purchaser.
Fortune tellers have long been working on the streets of Japan. But with the nation’s economy still sputtering along, the Internet has become inundated with sites providing fortunetelling services over the phone or through e-mail.

1.      Soothsayer - someone who is believed to be able to say what will happen in the future
2.       Counselling - advice and support given by a counsellor to someone with problems, usually after talking to them
3.       Unpredictable - changing a lot so it is impossible to know what will happen:
4.      Divination - the ability to say what will happen in the future, or the act of doing this
5.      Addicted - liking something so much that you do not want to stop doing it or having it
6.      Fraudulent - intended to deceive people in an illegal way, in order to gain money, power etc:
7.      Supernatural - impossible to explain by natural causes, and therefore seeming to involve the powers of gods or magic:
8.       Sputtering - to make loud sounds like explosions
9.       Inundated - to receive so much of something that you cannot easily deal with it all 

1.       Have you ever been to a fortune teller? Tell about your experience.
2.       Do you believe in supernatural powers or divination?
3.       How do you define “luck”? Destiny? Fate?
4.       Share your beliefs about being lucky and unlucky in life.