23 May 2012

74 people visit eye clinics after observing eclipse

 TOKYO — MAY. 22, 2012 - 04:00PM JST 
At least 74 people sought help for eye problems at eye clinics in 18 prefectures across Japan after observing the annular solar eclipse on Monday, the Japanese Ophthalmological Society reported on its website Tuesday.

Doctors and education officials had warned of eye injuries from improper viewing beforehand. Education Minister Hirofumi Hirano demonstrated the use of eclipse glasses in a televised news conference on the weekend.

The society said most of the complaints were solar retinopathy due to not properly using special protective glasses. Of the 74, 16 were children younger than 12.

1.       Sought-  the past tense and past participle of seek (ask someone for advice or help)
2.       Observing – watching
3.       Annular solar eclipse – An annular eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are exactly in line, but the apparent size of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun. Hence the Sun appears as a very bright ring, or annulus, surrounding the outline of the Moon. The next annular eclipse is on May 10, 2013.
4.       warned – to tell someone that something bad or dangerous may happen, so that they can avoid it or prevent it
5.       demonstrate – to show or describe how to do something or how something works
6.       Solar retinopathy – damage to the eye's retina, particularly the macula, from prolonged exposure to solar radiation or other bright light. It usually occurs due to staring at the sun, watching a solar eclipse or viewing at UV, D65 or bright light.

1.       Talk about the recent eclipse.
2.       What are the common causes of eye problems in your country?
3.       When did you start using eyeglasses? Why?
4.       Do you think eyewear is important? Why? Why not?
5.       Name famous brand of eyewear in your country.