12 May 2012

EU and Japan to Make the Internet Safer for Children

Europe and Japan will work together on a strategy to make the Internet safer for children and teenagers.

The new strategy was announced by Digital Agenda Commissioner Neelie Kroes on Wednesday. On Thursday, she met with Tatsuo Kawabata, Japanese minister for Internal affairs and Communications to discuss how the European Union and Japan could collaborate on such plans.

Although the strategy is for industry self regulation, the digital agenda spokesman said in an email that the European Commission would intervene if self regulation does not deliver. However "a regulation-only approach would fail," he said.

Apple, BSkyB, Dailymotion, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Netlog, Nintendo, Nokia, Research In Motion, Samsung and Vodafone have all signed up to the initiative, which aims to improve content for children and create a safer online environment.
According to the Commission, 75 percent of European children, a third of them on mobile phones, use the Internet.

Currently, different national approaches across the E.U.'s 27 member states mean that children have different levels of empowerment and protection online. With an estimated four in 10 children having encountered risks such as cyber bullying, pro-anorexia or self-harm content, giving parents and children the tools to ensure their protection is a key part of the Commission's digital agenda.

The strategy also includes mechanisms to report harmful content and conduct online, transparent default age-appropriate privacy settings and the use of innovative technical solutions by police investigating child sexual abuse material online.

1.       Strategy - a planned series of actions for achieving something
2.       collaborate - to work together with a person or group in order to achieve something, especially in science or art 
3.       intervene - to become involved in an argument, fight, or other difficult situation in order to change what happens
4.       initiative - an important new plan or process to achieve a particular aim or to solve a particular problem
5.       empowerment - to give someone more control over their own life or situation
6.       Cyber bullying - is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner.

1.       Talk about internet safety for children.
2.       Give examples of cyber bullying.
3.       As parents, how do you safe Internet at home?
4.       Howl old should people start to use the internet?
5.       Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.