04 June 2012

Pet Shops Banned from Displaying Cats, Dogs after 8 p.m.

An Environment Ministry ordinance took effect Friday banning pet shop operators from displaying cats and dogs after 8 p.m. to relieve the animals of stress, following criticism by animal rights' groups of outlets that stay open until late at night.

According to the new ministry order based on the animal welfare and management act, cats and dogs can be shown to customers at pet shops between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

As a provisional measure effective for two years, the ministry allows "cat cafes," where customers can pet cats, to operate until 10 p.m. if the animals are more than 1 year old and can move freely around the premises.

Violators of the ordinance face fines of up to ¥300,000.

The ministry also implemented an ordinance that makes it mandatory for animal auctioneers and people who look after old cats and dogs to register with prefectural governments.

1.       Ordinance - a law, usually of a city or town, that forbids or restricts an activity
2.       Relieve - to make a problem less difficult or serious
3.       Criticism - remarks that say what you think is bad about someone or something
4.       Welfare - health and happiness
5.       Provisional - likely or able to be changed in the future
6.       Premises - the buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company etc uses
7.       Auctioneers - someone who is in charge of selling the things at an auction and who calls out how much money has already been offered for something
1.       Do you have a pet? Talk about it.
2.       What pet do you think is easy to take care of? Why?
3.       Name common pets in your country.
4.       Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet.