22 June 2012

Trying to Look Pretty is the Trend for Young Japanese Men

Young Japanese men are starting to resemble their female counterparts when it comes to the pursuit of beauty, with the nation awash in salons dedicated to male grooming and products such as hair removal creams, electric nose-hair trimmers and face-firming masks targeting the image-conscious man.

Men in their 20s and 30s today were teenagers when the now-common expression "ikemen" - meaning a good-looking man - was a new buzzword. The advent of the term and a social phenomenon lionizing ikemen have given males of this particular age group a belief that looking pretty is pretty cool. At the same time, gaining a more attractive look is a way to compensate for a lack of self-confidence.

Panasonic Corp. initially launched a scalp-cleansing machine in 2011 targeting women. But after finding out that 30 percent of the purchasers were actually men, the company launched a new model for men in April this year. Sales are 1.5 times higher than the consumer electronics giant expected.

In a sign of the times, the sales area for male beauty products at retailer Tokyu Hands' store in Tokyo's Shibuya district is 50 percent larger than it was last September.

Not everybody is happy with this trend. A male executive in his 50s said men should "make more effort to clean up what's on the inside." Meanwhile, a company employee in her 20s said, "I feel depressed when I see a man who has skin that's prettier than mine."

1.       Resemble - to look like or be similar to someone or something
2.       Pursuit - when someone tries to get, achieve, or find something in a determined way [ pursue]
3.       Buzzword - a word or phrase from one special area of knowledge that people suddenly think is very important
4.       social - relating to human society and its organization, or the quality of people's lives
5.       phenomenon - something that is observable or an extraordinary thing or person
6.       compensate - to replace or balance the effect of something bad

1.       What do you think about men trying to look pretty?
2.       Is beauty salon only for women? Why?
3.       Do you do the same activity as mentioned in the article?
4.       Share your idea about gay?
5.       Is same sex marriage accepted in your country? Give your opinion.