17 August 2012

Airport Automated Face Recognition Tests Begin

A facial recognition test program began at automated gates for immigration at Narita and Kansai airports on Monday.

In the tests, the faces of incoming and outbound travellers will be automatically checked against passport photographs at the immigration gates.

The tests target Japanese travellers and are intended to improve the performance of the automated gate system.

One such gate is installed at each of four international airports--Haneda, Narita, Central Japan and Kansai. The system has so far checked travellers’ fingerprints for identification.

The automated gate system can reduce the time needed for examination per person and is increasingly used, mainly by business travellers. But as the number of the gates is limited, travellers are often seen flocking to them during peak hours.

In the program, three kinds of tests will be conducted--using only facial recognition, authentication by both facial recognition and fingerprint matching, and fingerprint matching only but with an increase in the number of automated gates.

Based on the outcome of the tests, the Justice Ministry will study how to improve the functions of the automated gate system.
(Aug. 7, 2012)

1.      Automated - using computers and machines to do a job, rather than people:
2.      Intended- to be provided or designed for a particular purpose or person:
3.      Flocking- if people flock to a place, they go there in large numbers because something interesting or exciting is happening there
4.      Recognition - the ability of a computer to recognize
5.      Authentication – confirm; to prove or serve to prove the authenticity of

1.      Give the advantages and disadvantages of this technology.
2.      How do you think is this helpful in your country?
3.      What do you suggest to improve the system? Explain your answer.
4.      Discuss about the present tourism campaigns of your country.