31 January 2012

Japan's Isle of White in Sapporo

Possessing few ancient historic relics like Nara, Hiraizumi and Kyoto, Sapporo has wide streets, mostly modern architecture and lots of parks, gardens and scattered green belts.

But it's mid-winter, when the greens shed their colour and up to 6m of snow tumbles down, that Sapporo really shines, attracting two million visitors to the glittering Sapporo Snow Festival.

What began as a game in 1950 when local high school kids built six snow statues in downtown Odori Park has grown into one of the world's most dazzling winter celebrations, with displays of sculpture and architecture in snow and ice created by competing sculptors from more than 20 countries.

For seven days, beginning on February 6, hundreds of beautifully crafted pieces, from small statues to elaborate  life-size palaces, will adorn the main venue, Odori Park, the nearby Susukino district and the grounds of Tsudome, a family-oriented site a short bus ride away with snow slides, snow rafting and snow golf.

The displays are augmented by several concerts and cultural events and by night the sculptures are artistically illuminated, adding to the fantasy wonderland atmosphere.

Suitably rugged-up locals and visitors stroll around the exhibits building snowmen, sipping hot cherry beer and visiting the shops, restaurants and bars dotted around the park and in the adjacent nightlife quarter Susukino.

1.      Isle (noun) - a word for an island, used in poetry or in names of islands
Example: the pacific isle
2.      Relics (noun) - an old object or custom that reminds people of the past or that has lived on from a past time
Example:  relics of ancient China
3.      Dazzling(adj.) - very impressive and attractive
Example: a dazzling display of football skills
4.      Elaborate (adj.) - carefully planned and organized in great detail
Example: a very elaborate telecommunications network
5.      Adorn (verb) - to decorate something
Example: church walls adorned with religious paintings
6.      Augmented (verb) - to add something to (something) in order to improve or complete it 
Example: Job training will augment [supplement] the class work.
7.      Adjacent (adj.) – next to; close or near;
Example: We stayed in adjacent rooms.

1.      Have you ever been to Sapporo Snow Festival? Share your Snow Festival experience.
2.      What activities do you do in winter?
3.      Tell us some festivals in your country.
4.      What is the importance of festivals?