31 January 2012

Smartphone addicts starting to feel the pain

LONDON – Users of Smartphone and tablet computers are starting to get high-tech blues, as increasing numbers of the tech savvy are coming down with ailments from “text neck” to “text thumb injury”. Health experts in Britain have warned that the strain injuries stemming from long periods spent staring at small screens and tapping at tiny keys can be debilitating. And the injuries are becoming more common as high-tech gadgets grow ever more popular.

According to a recent YouGov poll, 44 percent of Britons use their mobile phone for activities other than making calls, for between 30 minutes and two hours a day. The pollster quizzed 2,034 adults over several days in September.

 “Text neck” is in effect the latest manifestation of “repetitive strain injury” (RSI), a condition which affects one worker in 50 in Britain. RSI is the name given to a group of injuries affecting the muscles, tendons and nerves primarily of the neck and upper limbs. It is particularly prevalent among workers who spend long periods using computers and computer mouse. It is a treatable condition, but experts warn it is essential not to ignore the early warning signs. In France, RSI is the main cause of sick leave in the work place.

Margo in Britain says the biggest at-risk group are children and teenagers, who are heavy users of the latest computers and phones. “I know families where people communicate from one room to another via text messages,” she said. “We have to put limits on this.”

1.      Savvy (n) - practical knowledge and ability. EXAMPLE: business savvy
2.      Ailments (n) - an illness
3.      Stemming (v) - to develop as a result of something else. EXAMPLE: His headaches stemmed from vision problems.
4.      Pollster (n) - someone who works for a company that prepares and asks questions to find out what people think about a particular subject
5.      Manifestation (n) - a very clear sign that a particular situation or feeling exists
6.      Prevalent (adj.) - common at a particular time, in a particular place, or among a particular group of people. EXAMPLE: Drug abuse is especially prevalent among younger teenagers.

1.      What is a Smartphone?
2.      What are the benefits of Smartphone?
3.      Discuss about the effects of using Smartphone on people’s health.
4.      Have you ever suffered from “text neck”?
5.      Share something about your country’s technology.