19 February 2012

Nick Vujicic – NEVER GIVE UP!

Before you read, WATCH  his video here

A life without arms and legs - IMAGINE! What if you couldn't wrap your arms around the ones you love? How about not being able to walk, dance, run, or even stand? Now envision the worst case scenario: living with no arms and no legs. What would you do? Would you still search for PURPOSE and meaning? How would it affect your ATTITUDE towards life and those around you? Would you let the pressure and despair of your circumstance taint your CHARACTER, or would you move forward with honor? Would you have the strength to repeatedly tell yourself, "NEVER GIVE UP"?

Meet Nick Vujicic. He was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia. Without any medical explanation or warning, Nicholas Vujicic (pronounced 'Vooy-cheech') came into the world with neither arms nor legs.  A limbless son was not what nurse Dushka Vujicic, and her husband Pastor Borris Vujicic had been expecting. How would their son live a normal happy life? What could he ever do or become when living with what the world would see as such a massive disability? Little did they know, the little beautiful limbless baby would one day inspire and motivate people from all walks of life.

Nick shares with his audiences the importance of vision and dreaming big. Using his own experiences in worldwide outreach as examples, he challenges others to examine their perspective and look beyond their circumstances. He shares his view of ceasing to see obstacles as problems, and instead see them as opportunities to grow and reach out to others. He stresses the importance of attitude being the most powerful tool we have at our disposal and illustrates how the choices we make can have a profound effect on our lives and the lives of those around us. Nick shows through his own life that the major keys in fulfilling our biggest dreams are persistence and choosing to embrace failure as a learning experience, rather than allowing guilt and fear of failure to paralyze us.

How does Nick Vujicic feel about his disability now? He accepts it, embraces it and oftentimes pokes fun at his own circumstance as he shows off his many tricks. He meets challenges with his special blend of humor, perseverance and faith always encouraging those around him to examine their perspective as they develop and define their vision. He encourages people to make changes in their lives and to dream big!

1.       Envision (v) - to imagine something that you think might happen in the future, especially something that you think will be good
2.       Scenario (n) - a situation that could possibly happen
3.       Despair (v) - a feeling that you have no hope at all
4.       Limbless (v) -  having no limbs (an arm or leg)
5.       Outreach (n) - when help, advice, or other services are provided for people who would not otherwise get these services easily
6.       Perspective (n) - a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences
7.       Ceasing (v) - to stop doing something or stop happening
8.       Disposal (n) - available for someone to use
9.       Paralyze (v) - To make unable to move or act
10.   Pokes (v) - to make fun of someone in an unkind way

1.       Did the article inspire you? How?
2.       Do you easily give up? Share your experience.
3.       How do you deal with life’s problems?
4.       Tell something about the person who inspires you.
5.       If you were limbless too, would you think you would be like Nick Vujicic? Why?