20 February 2012

Filipinos teach English to Japanese via website

NOTE: For more Online English School, please check English Partner

An online English conversation school based in the Philippines is attracting Japanese learners by offering inexpensive lessons from college graduates who can't find work amid the country's economic slump.

"This is 'intellectual fair trade,' " said Md Moin, founder of Pikt Corp.'s website.”Filipinos are able to earn their living as English tutors, while Japanese can learn high-quality English with cheap tuition." Moin, a 32-year-old Bangladeshi who has lived in Japan for 10 years, came up with the idea with a Filipino friend, Aireen Zaballa, 34. The two were classmates at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Beppu, Oita Prefecture.

The online school uses about 50 tutors, including graduates of the prestigious University of the Philippines, to offer English conversational lessons to Japanese students via Skype Internet telephone service. By using the Filipino graduates, the school can effectively undercut English-conversation classes offered by its Japan-based rivals.

Ten courses are provided for English-language students based on their proficiency, including some specializing in business English or tailored for children.

Some tutors said teaching, which pays better than other jobs they can find at present, have allowed them to provide more nutritious food for their children.

"The tutors are good, it's easy to make a reservation and a good opportunity to speak English" said Toshikazu Saito, a 43-year-old businessman in Tokyo.

NOTE: For more Online English School, please check English Partner

1.       Amid (prep.) - while noisy, busy, or confused events are happening - used in writing or news reports
2.       Slump (v) - to suddenly go down in price, value, or number
3.       Intellectual (adj.) - an intellectual person is well-educated and interested in serious ideas and subjects such as science, literature 
4.       Trade (n) - the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countries [= commerce]
5.       Prestigious (adj.) - admired as one of the best and most important
6.       Undercut (v) - to sell goods or a service at a lower price than another company
7.       Proficiency (n) - a good standard of ability and skill
8.       Tailored (adj.) - made or done specially for someone's particular need or situation

1.       What do you know about Philippines? Filipinos?
2.       How did you find about Online English Schools?
3.       Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying online.
4.       Why do you want to study English?
5.       Tell us about your English study habit.