15 March 2012

Anti-nuke protests erupt in Japan

Thousands of antinuclear protesters took to the streets of Tokyo and other cities Sunday, the first anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that triggered the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant.

Near the head office of Tokyo Electric Power Co., which runs the crippled complex, demonstrators called for the country to abandon nuclear power and restore the prefecture, where more than 100,000 residents were forced to relocate.

In Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, some 16,000 people attended an antinuclear gathering in the city and called for scrapping all of Japan's 54 commercial reactors, which provided a third of its electricity before the Fukushima disaster.

In Shizuoka Prefecture, about 1,100 people gathered to pressure Chubu Electric Power Co. to scrap its reactors at the Hamaoka power plant.  

In Fukui Prefecture, about 1,200 people rallied against restarting two of the reactors at Kepco's Oi plant despite government approval of safety tests on the reactors, which were idled for regular checkups.  

"What we need to do, after witnessing how tragic Tokyo Electric's Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant accident is, is to build a society that does not rely on nuclear plants," said Fujio Yamamoto, who leads a group involved in organizing the protest.

Similar protests were held in other prefectures that host atomic plants or related facilities, including Saga and Aomori. In the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, atomic bomb survivors took part in antinuclear protests and urged the country to stop relying on nuclear power.

1.       Protester (n) - someone who takes part in a public activity such as a demonstration in order to show their opposition to something.
2.       Trigger (v) - to make something such as a bomb or electrical system start to operate
3.       Cripple (v) - to damage something badly so that it no longer works or is no longer effective
4.       Abandon (v) - to stop doing something because there are too many problems and it is impossible to continue
5.       Relocate (v) - they move to a different place
6.       Scrap (v) -to get rid of an old machine, vehicle etc, and use its parts in some other way
7.       Pressure (v) - to try to make someone do something by making them feel it is their duty to do it
8.       Rally (v) - to come together, or to bring people together, to support an idea, a political party 
9.       Idled (v) -to stop using  temporarily [= shut down]
10.   Tragic (adj.) - a tragic event or situation makes you feel very sad, especially because it involves death or suffering

1.       How many nuclear power plants are there in your country?
2.       Do you think nuclear energy is good?
3.       Give some advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear energy?
4.       Are you worried about nuclear energy? Why? Why not?
5.       What are some alternatives to nuclear energy? Explain.