14 March 2012

Japan wants cuisine listed as UNESCO heritage

TOKYO — Japan said Friday it was applying to UNESCO to have its cuisine listed as a global cultural treasure as part of a bid to restore global confidence in its food after the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Tokyo is to ask the UN's educational, scientific and cultural arm to register "Washoku: Traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese" as part of the intangible heritage of humanity, the foreign and agriculture ministries said. "Washoku" or the Japanese diet, is traditionally based on rice, fish and vegetables, but the varied and highly seasonal cuisine of the country has won it plaudits around the world.

The government said washoku was characterised by respect for nature and the importance placed on the way in which dishes are served as well as the quality of ingredients used. The nation also "needs to restore confidence in Japanese food, which has been adversely affected by rumours due to the nuclear accident" at Fukushima, the government said.
The application will be filed with UNESCO by the end of March, with a decision expected by late 2013.
Certain kinds of traditional theatre and music, as well as the gastronomy of France, are recognised by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage.

1.       Cuisine (n) - a particular style of cooking
2.       Treasure (n) - a very valuable and important 
3.       Restore (v) - to make something return to its former state or condition
4.       Intangible (adj.) - have value but do not exist physically
5.       Plaudits (n) - have value but do not exist physically
6.       Characterised (v) - to describe the qualities of someone or something
7.       Rumours(n)- information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be true

1.       What is “Washoku”? Describe this traditional dish.
2.       Name and explain other Japanese dishes /food / cuisine.
3.       What do you think is the advantage of listing this cuisine as UNESCO heritage?
4.       What do you usually eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
5.       What is your opinion of Chinese food? American food? British food?