22 March 2012

Food poisoning deaths jumped in '11

Eleven people died from food poisoning in 2011, the first fatalities in three years and the first time the toll has exceeded 10 in nine years, according to health ministry data obtained Saturday.
The victims included seven people who died of the O-157 strain of E. coli bacteria, five of whom fell ill amid a rash of cases linked to raw meat served at a "yakiniku" barbecue restaurant chain.
However, the total number of food poisoning cases fell to 1,062 in 2011, while the number of people who were sickened also dropped to 21,616. A subpanel of the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, which advises the health minister, will be briefed on further details about the data at a meeting Monday.

1.       Poisoning (n) - the act of giving poison to someone
2.       Fatalities (n) - the fact that a disease is certain to cause death
3.       Exceeded (v) - to be more than a particular number or amount
4.       Obtained (v) - to get something that you want, especially through your own effort, skill, or work [= get]
5.       Amid (prep) - among
6.       Dropped (v) – become less; to fall to a lower level or amount, especially a much lower level or amount
7.       Subpanel – (subsection + panel) = A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue
8.       Briefed (v) - to give someone all the information about a situation that they will need

1.       What is food poisoning?
2.       Have you ever experienced food poisoning?
3.       Talk about food and sanitation in your country.
4.       What do you think should restaurants do in order to avoid food poisoning?
5.       Name some foods which are easily spoiled or rotten.