23 March 2012

Kyoto aiming to get some royals to return

KYOTO — When the Imperial family moved to Tokyo at the beginning of the Meiji Restoration in 1868, after more than a millennium in Kyoto, many in the ancient capital were convinced the Emperor was just embarking on a long visit and would someday return.
Now, more than 140 years later, Kyoto's top political and business leaders are working to have at least some members of the Imperial family take up residence here again.
The reasons have less to do with romantic dreams of the past and more to do with modern concerns ranging from safety from natural disasters to the strengthening of Kyoto's role domestically and abroad as the center of traditional Japanese culture.
 The seven-prefecture Union of Kansai Governments endorsed a plan to make Kansai a backup capital in the event of a natural disaster in Tokyo, and one of the proposals was to relocate the Imperial family to the region.
Now, however, Kyoto's political and business leaders are stressing the social and cultural benefits to the city and the Kansai region of having some Imperial family members in Kyoto.

1.       Imperial (adj.) - relating to an empire or to the person who rules it
2.       Millennium (n) - a period of 1000 years
3.       Embarking (v) - to start something, especially something new, difficult, or exciting
4.       Ancient (adj.) having existed for a very long time
5.       Take up (phrasal verb) – consider; to accept a suggestion, offer, or idea
6.       Modern (adj.) -  present time or most recent time
7.       Endorsed (v) - to express formal support or approval for someone or something
8.       Relocate (v) - they move to a different place
9.       Stressing (v) - to emphasize(to say something in a strong way) a statement, fact, or idea

1.       Discuss about the Imperial family of Japan.
2.       Do you support the idea that Imperial family should move to Kyoto? Why? Why not?
3.       What do you think are the importance of Royal families in a country?
4.        What are the things that you are interested about in royalty/ royal families? Explain.
5.       In your opinion, is Tokyo not safe for the Imperial families? Why? Why not?