11 March 2012

Retired woman makes international splash with photos of Japan

At age 62, Hiromi Fujita decided to try something new and took up photography as a way to enjoy her retirement years. Now the 75-year-old woman's photos of Japanese landscapes and traditional art performers have been displayed at exhibitions in France, Russia and Germany, among other countries.
Last fall, she published a collection of her work in a book titled “Osozaki Demo Hana wa Saku,” (Flowers Will Bloom Even If They Are Late).

“There must be many people who think they are too old to start something new,” Fujita says. “I meant (the title of the book) to show that no matter how old you are when you take up something, you will eventually be rewarded in your own way."
Fujita began to take photography lessons a year after she retired from a publishing company specializing in architecture. “I wanted to give it a try--try something entirely new since I had worked all those years,” says Fujita, who raised two children by herself. Her husband died while she was still a young mother.
The first photo she is proud of, she says, is of a smiling scarecrow in a rice paddy.

At the urging of her photography teacher, she sent the photo to the Hamura municipal government in Tokyo as a possible cover photo for the city bulletin, which officials were soliciting from the public. To her surprise, it was selected as the cover photo.

Fujita soon found herself immersed into photography and shooting a wide range of objects, from flowers to mountains and fireworks.

It was a photo of stone statues of jizo, one of the most popular Buddhist bodhisattvas in Japan, which led to her international debut.

Mesmerized by her photos, an Italian paved the way for her photographs to be put on display in an exhibition at the Vatican in 2006. Then her photos were featured in a show in France in 2008, and Germany in 2009.

Although she shoots a wide range of photos, she is particularly fond of capturing Noh and Kabuki performers in rural districts.

1.       Performers (n) - an actor, musician etc who performs to entertain people
2.       Rewarded (v) - to achieve something through hard work and effort
3.       Scarecrow (n) - an object in the shape of a person that a farmer puts in a field to frighten birds away
4.       Soliciting (v) - to ask 
5.       Immersed (v) - to become completely involved in an activity
6.       Statue (n) - an image of a person or animal that is made in solid material such as stone or metal and is usually large
7.       Mesmerised(v) - you cannot stop watching them or listening to them because they are so attractive or have such a powerful effect [= captivate]

1.       Do you like taking pictures? What kind of pictures do you usually take?
2.       Do you agree with the saying that we are never too old to learn?  
3.       Were you inspired by this article? What would you like to do when you retire?
4.       Do you think photography is a very expensive hobby? Why? Why not?
5.       Name famous photographers in your country.