10 March 2012

Robot built to explore nuclear plant

The Yomiuri Shimbun - A Tokyo company has developed a small, highly mobile robot that will be sent into the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant to take photos inside reactor buildings and measure radiation levels.

Topy Industries Ltd. said the "Survey Runner" robot will be used to help with repair work at the plant after checking its performance and other details.

The Survey Runner is expected to be able to maneuver around areas where other robots could not.
It can even go up and down steep, wet stairs--an essential feature because coolant water has been injected into the reactors since the crisis at the plant began--and can turn around in a space just 70 centimeters square.

The robot can be controlled remotely or by a long connection cord. It also can adjust the slack of the communication cable automatically while running, a feature that could prevent it from meeting the fate of other robots that have stopped because their control cable somehow got severed.

1.       Develop (v) - to design or make a new idea, product, system etc over a period of time
2.       Mobile (adj.) - able to move or travel easily
3.       Cripple (v) - to damage something badly so that it no longer works or is no longer 
4.       Maneuver (n) - a skilful or careful movement that you make, for example in order to avoid something or go through a narrow space (  British English ; manoeuvre  )
5.       Remotely (adv.) - from far away
6.       Severed (v) - to cut through something completely, separating it into two parts, or to become cut in this way

1.       Have you seen a robot? Describe the robot?
2.       Do you think robots are useful? Give example.
3.       Say something about robot technology in your country.
4.       Are you interested to study about robots?
5.       Which country do you think has the best robots? Explain.