11 April 2012

Can Japan Firms Woo Foreigners?

Japanese companies, increasingly shifting overseas to offset a shrinking domestic market, are taking the first steps to hire foreigners after long resisting even modest changes to their uniform workplace culture. But they are now confronting the question about just how drastic that change should be.

Many Japanese companies say they want foreign workers, but few so far have been willing to overhaul the system - with unequal pay and few opportunities for promotions - that once dissuaded foreigners from joining in the first place.

A poll last year conducted by a Tokyo-based staffing agency suggested more than 80 percent of Japanese companies want more foreigners. But only 10 percent of them said they were willing to hire foreigners without Japanese language ability.
A separate study suggested that Japanese companies, long viewed among foreigners as an unpromising choice, face obstacles in persuading new recruits. Chinese, for example, were found in one study to prefer working for Western companies, which offer better compensation packages and more chances for promotion.

But some companies have started to abandon the traditional approach. Fast Retailing Co., Ltd., which owns Asia's biggest fashion chain, Uniqlo, is hiring more foreigners than Japanese. Last March, English was poised to become the company's official language.

1.       Shifting (v) - to move from one place or position to another
2.       Offset (v) - to counterbalance or compensate for
3.       Shrinking (v) - to become or to make something smaller in amount, size, or valu
4.       Drastic (adj.) - to become or to make something smaller in amount, size, or valu
5.       Overhaul (v) - to change a system or method in order to improve it
6.       Dissuaded (v) - to persuade someone not to do something
7.       Obstacles (n) - something that makes it difficult to achieve something
8.       Compensation (n) - the money someone is paid for doing their job
9.       Abandon (v) - to stop doing something because there are too many problems and it is impossible to continue

1.       What can you say about the idea of hiring foreigners?
2.       What are the reasons why Japanese companies are shifting overseas?
3.       Do you think English is necessary in your workplace?
4.       Why would foreigners want to work in Japan?
5.       Talk about the advantages/disadvantages of hiring foreigners in Japan.