10 April 2012

Toshiba exits mobile phone business

Toshiba Corp. has pulled out of the mobile phone business by selling its 19.9 percent stake in Fujitsu Toshiba Mobile Communications Ltd. to Fujitsu Ltd., the two companies said Monday. The company, which sells and markets mobile handsets, was originally set up in October 2010 by taking over Toshiba's mobile phone operations. It has since been renamed Fujitsu Mobile Communications Ltd. and is now under the full control of Fujitsu.
The Regza Phone and some other Smartphone under the Toshiba brand will continue to be sold by Fujitsu Mobile for the time being, they said.

1.       Pulled out (v) - the act of an army, business etc leaving a particular place
2.       Stake (n) - investment
3.       Handsets (n) - the part of a telephone that you hold near your ear and mouth
4.       Taking over (v) - when one company takes control of another by buying more than half its shares
5.       Under  (prep) - in power
6.       Time being (n) -  the period of time that is happening now

1.       Tell something about these 2 companies: Toshiba and Fujitsu.
2.       Is this mobile phone popular in your country?
3.       What are the disadvantage / advantages of merging?
4.       Talk about popular mobile phones in your country?
5.       How important is mobile phone to you?