09 April 2012

Japanese computer programming language Ruby approved as global standard

The computer programming language Ruby, invented by a Japanese, has been approved by the International Organization for Standardization as a global standard, the government's Information-technology Promotion Agency said Monday.
Ruby, conceived by software engineer Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1993, is a scripting language that executes tasks for software and runs on Unix, Dos, Windows and Mac operating systems. Matsumoto, a fellow at Network Applied Communication Laboratory Ltd., said he welcomes the decision and hopes for the further spread of the programming language.

1.       Programming language (n) - an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer
2.       Approved (v) - to officially accept a plan, proposal etc
3.       Conceived (v) - to think of a new idea, plan etc and develop it in your mind
4.       Scripting language (n) -  is a programming language that supports the writing of scripts,
5.       Executes (v) - it makes the program or command happen or work
6.       Fellow (n) - people that you work with, study with, or who are in the same situation as you
7.       Spread (v) - to become known about or used by more and more people

1.       Have you ever heard about Ruby?
2.       What other programming language do you know?
3.       Do you think it is difficult / easy to learn programming? Why? Why not?
4.       If you were to write a program, what would it be?
5.       How much does a programmer earn in your country?